One of the paradoxes of life is that the things that initially made you successful and relevant are rarely the things that will keep you successful. You have to remain constantly open to new ideas ad be willing and ready to learn new skills. Iron rusts from disuse,stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather it becomes frozen,in a similar pattern inaction saps the vigor and vibrancy of the mind. If you are a highly talented person,you may have a tough time with teachability. Why? Because talented people often think they know it all. And that robs them of their ability to continually expand their talents and skills. Teachability is not really a matter of mental ability and competence as it is about our disposition. In essence,it's about a desire to listen,learn and apply. It's the perpetual hunger to discover new territories and evolve to higher horizons and dimensions. The future does not belong to those who have learnt,but it belongs to those who c...
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