One of the paradoxes of life is that the things that
initially made you successful and relevant are
rarely the things that will keep you successful.
You have to remain constantly open to new ideas
ad be willing and ready to learn new skills. Iron
rusts from disuse,stagnant water loses its purity
and in cold weather it becomes frozen,in a similar
pattern inaction saps the vigor and vibrancy of the
If you are a highly talented person,you may have
a tough time with teachability. Why? Because
talented people often think they know it all. And
that robs them of their ability to continually
expand their talents and skills.
Teachability is not really a matter of mental ability
and competence as it is about our disposition. In
essence,it's about a desire to listen,learn and
apply. It's the perpetual hunger to discover new
territories and evolve to higher horizons and
The future does not belong to those who have
learnt,but it belongs to those who can
learn,unlearn and relearn. Those who can't adjust
and adapt to new trends and development end up
becoming extinct. In essence,it's what you learn
after you "know it all" that counts. When you stop
learning you stop leading.
There is a theory of human behavior that states
that people subconsciously retard their own
intellectual growth once they reach the stage of
their own personal comfort in the world,they stop
learning and unwittingly rely on cliches and old
habits,their minds ends up running on idle fumes
for the rest of their days. They may progress
organizationally,they may be ambitious and
eager,and they may even work night and day. But
they learn no more.
It's a tragedy when people allow themselves to
get in a rut and never climb out. They often miss
the best that life has to offer.
Whatever talent you may possess,whether it's in
leadership,craftsmanship,athletics or will expand it if you keep
expecting and striving to learn and grow. Never let
a day pass by without taking a step towards
exploring and learning.Talented individuals with
teachable attitudes become Super-Achievers in
their generation.
Men always think we are complicated, somewhat mysteriously complex in nature. But once you get some helpful pointers like these from a woman, it can start to make a lot more sense and you'll have an easier time finding ways to make us happy. Whether you're trying to please a girlfriend, fiancée or wife , there are things you need to do and strategies you need to adopt to make us happy. You may not be used to them but never forget, no one is born with skilful wits on how to please a woman. Just the same way we consciously and unconsciously learn, that’s the same way one can learn how to make this beautiful, soft, feminine creatures happy in bed. This is not one karma sutra tips on how to bang a woman all night long, but little things most men don’t do that we really desire they could do to make us much happier. Take your time to read through and cultivate the following tips and you will watch your relationship with her blossom 1. Respect her . The most importan...
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