People say...Jack of all trade, Master of none, but
I say...Jack of all trade, Master of some. Is it too
much for a young lady to have a career, be a good
homemaker, learn how to bake, sew, cook for
public consumption, develop good business
acumen, learn to write and pronounce words
correctly, have a good fashion sense, run a Youth
Foundation and be the best she can ever be not
for her future husband but for herself and her self
alone??? My people, without much ado, I
unapologetically say....ITS NOT TOO MUCH. Our
minds does not have an elastic limit neither can it
reach a yield point. It can neither crack up
completely nor develop a bunch of red nerves. It
has the capacity to accommodate any input and
make you Multidimensional so you can function
without friction.
There is a reason why we are made of bones and
not dust. I tell you, once you discover that reason,
you can be all you ever wanna be and even more.
Esther ijeoma Ogbuka.
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