Research shows that certain women are allergic to certain men but not to others . Don’t get it twisted, we have a lot of ladies who parade with this beautiful orifice in between their legs yet they don’t care to know about the nature and outright way to nurture this beautiful garden God gave us to tend. Whether you have one or you frequently visit many, there are certain facts you need to know about the female vagina. This information is sex or gender insensitive. Its for anyone that cares to know about this male pleasure spot. Just the way this sweet orange have a lot of fibres, likewise, the female vagina is lined with bundles of nerves. There are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, while the penis has only 4,000. This is why the tiny area is the most sensitive part of a woman’s erogenous zone. Powerful sensations can spread across a woman’s pelvic area by affecting 15,000 other nerve endings. Read carefully for more information… Do you know, some compani...
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