The nipples of a woman is sensitive than her entire body. Just the same way this erogenous body part enjoys pleasure, that's exactly the same way it abhors irritation which could be of great discomfort. Here's a continuation of things that could cause sore on the nipples.
1)Medication Could Be Causing A Reaction"
Interestingly,some psychological medications are known to cause nipple reactions . Various antidepressants, from SSRIs to MAOIs, have been linked to nipple discharge, as have standard anti-psychotics, some anti-histamines, amphetamines, hormones, and some varieties of the Pill. Herbal remedies have also been shown to produce harmless breast discharge in some
women, from fenugreek (which was, historically, used to promote milk flow and help digestive problems) to anise and fennel. So if you suddenly discover a soaked part in your bra, think back to whatever herbal fixes
you've been taking recently, and always check side effects before you nab something at the market.
2)."This Discharge Is A Sign Of Bigger Problems"
Most adult women will, when they squeeze their nipples, see some kind of discharge. It's normal; these are milk-making machines, and even if you're not pregnant, you'll likely have a bit of fluid in there anyway. But discharge that's unprompted can actually be a pretty good way of signalling other problems in the body. There are, in medical terms, seven different types of discharge that the breast can create, and the causes depend heavily on which one's
happening to you. They are: milky, sticky, pus, watery, yellow, pinkish, or bloody. The milky discharge of anybody who's not pregnant (pregnancy is, for obvious reasons, associated with new milk production) can be a sign that you've developed hyperthyroidism , a condition of the thyroid where it becomes overactive and over-produces thyroid hormones. There are a lot of other symptoms for that, though, so milk on its own isn't a clear sign. In a tiny proportion of women, it may also mean a tiny pituitary gland tumor , inside the gland in the brain that controls human growth and development. But in most women, this is benign, and a visit to the doctor will clear it up.
3)Strange symptom: Swollen, bumpy breasts before your
In addition to mood swings, cheese-fry cravings, and breakouts, you
can add achy, lumpy breasts to the long list of pesky PMS symptoms.
There's a medical term for it — fibrocystic breast changes — and it's
the most common benign breast condition, affecting half of all women.
"Breast tissue changes in response to fluctuating levels of hormones,
especially estrogen and progesterone, during your menstrual cycle,"
says Richard J. Bleicher, MD, a breast surgeon at Fox Chase Cancer
Center in Philadelphia. Breasts also retain fluid pre-period, which can
cause your perky pair to feel heavy and swollen. Take a pass on the
fries and other salty grub to bring relief, and limit your daily dose of
caffeine, which contributes to fluid retention, Dr. Minkin says.
Bumps that result from normal hormonal ups and downs will shrink or
disappear after your period. "If a lump sticks around or gets bigger,
make an appointment with your doctor to have it checked out," Dr.
Minkin says.
4) Raw, scaly nipples .
A poorly fitting sports bra is the most likely culprit. "A loose bra rubs
against the nipple and areola and can cause chafing," says Robin
Travers, MD, a dermatologist in Boston. This can happen as a go-to
bra stretches out over time. Sweat and dry skin add to the friction.
Wash sore nipples with mild soap and water to prevent infection and
use a thin layer of an over-the-counter 1 percent hydrocortisone cream
for a couple of days to calm inflammation, Dr. Travers suggests. Apply
a salve, like Aquaphor Healing Ointment, several times a day.
To prevent chafing, replace baggy bras with ones that fit snugly and
are made of moisture-wicking fabrics. If you're prone to excessive
sweating, roll antiperspirant directly onto your breasts and nipples
before exercise. Also dab your nips with Vaseline or Body Glide before
workouts to eliminate rubbing.
If the condition persists a week after these measures, make an
appointment with your doctor to rule out more serious medical
problems, such as Paget's disease, a very rare type of breast cancer
that forms around the nipple and can resemble chafing. Another
potential cause is a yeast infection. (You can get them in your breasts,
too. Who knew?) This is especially common in women who are
breastfeeding. Physicians usually prescribe a mild topical steroid to
heal the skin, along with an antifungal cream to treat the infection.
Strange symptom: A sharp, stabbing pain in your breast
Try lifting your arm on the side that hurts and moving it around. Instant
agony indicates that you pulled a chest muscle during a tough
workout. "If you feel the pain when you make certain movements, but
it's not there when you're sitting still, the issue is most likely
muscular," Dr. Bleicher says. Take a break from any exercises that
involve chest muscles, and pop a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug,
such as ibuprofen, for several days. If the pain lasts for more than a
week or you notice other symptoms, such as a lump or redness, you
may have a cyst or a pus-filled pimple beneath the skin that needs to
be drained. Visit your doctor.
5) Random leakage
Nipple secretion most commonly happens during pregnancy and
breastfeeding, but you can experience it at other times, too. If the
seepage is clear, yellow, or greenish, it's a harmless liquid from the
milk ducts. "There's no specific reason or treatment for this, and it's
considered benign," Dr. Bleicher says. "If the fluid is milky, see your
doctor, as she may decide to do a blood test. It could be caused by
any number of things that alter normal hormone levels, such as hypo
thyroidism, birth control pills, or certain antidepressants."
Bloody discharge is a rare sign of breast cancer, so call your doctor
immediately to have it checked out. Odds are, however, that its source
is a benign tumor in the milk duct called an intraductal papilloma. You
may be able to feel a small, wartlike bump right behind or next to the
nipple. Physicians sometimes surgically remove the area because
needle biopsies can't always rule out breast cancer.
Strange symptom: One boob is red and warm and hurts like
heck It sounds like you've got a breast tissue infection known as mastitis,
which is mostly caused by bacteria that enter the milk duct through a
cut in the skin. The result is inflammation, swelling, and pain; you
might also develop a fever, a headache, and other flulike symptoms.
Ten percent of breastfeeding women develop mastitis, but a scratch or
a bug bite can also allow bacteria to infiltrate.
Contact your doctor at the first sign of infection. "While it's probably
mastitis, which can be treated with antibiotics, your doctor needs to
rule out inflammatory breast cancer, an uncommon but very aggressive
type," says Jill Dietz, MD, a breast surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic. To
relieve the pain of mastitis, apply a warm or cool compress —
whichever feels better — to the tender area several times a day.
To prevent the condition, keep your breasts clean and dry whenever
you get a scratch. Always take off your sports bra immediately after
you exercise. Hanging out in a sweaty one increases the chances of
Strange symptom: A marble-size mass that moves when
you touch it
It's terrifying to find a lump, and it's vital to have your doctor examine
it. Still, don't freak out while you're waiting for the diagnosis. There's a
more probable culprit than cancer: fibroadenoma, a benign tumor
that's most common among women in their twenties and thirties.
"Of all the benign breast conditions, a fibroadenoma has symptoms
that most closely resemble those of cancer," Dr. Bleicher says. "It's a
solid, painless, palpable mass that can grow over time." It even looks a
lot like cancer on a mammogram, so your doctor may need to perform
a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If it is a fibroadenoma, your
physician will probably take a watch-and-wait approach and order an
ultrasound every six months. A mass that keeps growing may need to
be removed.
Lifestyle Changes to Cut Your Breast Cancer Risk in Half
With your fit lifestyle, you're already well on your way to keeping the
Big C at bay. These four simple steps will slash your risk by a
whopping 50 percent, according to a recent study.
• Get 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily.
• Eat right. Read about the foods you need to eat to protect
against breast cancer below.
• Don't smoke.
• Don't drink alcohol. (If you do imbibe, limit yourself to one drink
a day
Eating to beat breast cancer is easy. Fill two-thirds of your plate with
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. "These foods contain
nutrients and phytochemicals, which help our bodies fight cancer by,
for example, blocking the growth of tumors or repairing DNA that has
been damaged," says Sally Scroggs, RD, senior health education
specialist at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston. Research shows the following six foods may have a
particularly potent protective effect against the disease.
Leafy green vegetables
Spinach, collard greens, and Swiss chard contain high levels of certain
carotenoids, antioxidant-like substances that wipe out harmful free
radicals before they can damage healthy cells.
Strawberries and raspberries are rich sources of ellagic acid, a
phytochemical that helps short-circuit cancer cells' ability to multiply.
Cruciferous vegetables
Compounds in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok
choy, and kale may help regulate enzymes in your body that defend
against cells that could become cancerous.
Women who ate a third of an ounce of mushrooms daily were 64
percent less likely to develop breast cancer, one study found. The fungi
appear to act like aromatase inhibitor meds, which block the body's
production of the cancer-feeding hormone estrogen.
Whole grains
Brown rice, bulgur, and buckwheat contain lignans, substances that
reduce breast cancer risk by as much as 14 percent.
This herb is packed with apigenin, a compound that appears to block
the formation of blood vessels to cancerous mammary cells in
How to Do a Breast Self-Exam.
No clue how to do a breast self-exam? No worries. "Just touch your
breasts often — especially the week after your period, because that's
when they're least lumpy — and watch for anything that changes or
feels different," says Therese Bevers, MD, of the University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. This habit is one of your
best defenses against breast cancer, particularly before you start
getting mammograms at age 40. In addition to feeling for lumps, be
alert for these lesser-known signs of breast cancer: flattening or
indentations in one area of the breast, dimpled skin that looks like an
orange peel, redness, and pulling or dimpling of the nipple.
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