Most people think that emotional madness is a definition of true love. You are mistaken. That is bondage and the earlier you free yourself from the shackles of this bondage, the better for you. I believe when you went through my penultimate write-up "Are you in Love (Part 1)" you understood the fact that loving yourself is paramount. Its a prerequisite for you to have regard for yourself and love yourself strong enough to work out your life visions, accomplish your goals and achieve your ambitions. Love in itself is not a deposit rather Its a CHOICE. Its not like an anointing. You don't pray and wait until the Spirit of God stirs it inside you. Its in you already yet a lot of people don't understand its need.
Love is a responsibility. It doesn't happen until you are committed to it. Until you practice it, it doesn't work. Love is not a verbal grammatical display. Saying I Love You when its not backed by the right action is a waste of lexical construction. Love is not an emotion. Love has life. Yes, it does. And anything that has life needs to be fed and well nurtured. Just like a baby sticks to the mother's breast for food so as to grow, likewise love sticks to practical nurturing to get robust. When starved, IT DIES HELPLESSLY. Love is equally a spirit. Young people think that when someone is sexually attracted to someone, that is love and that's the root cause of our generational mistakes.
Do you know you can live with someone for fifty years in marriage, have all the sex you would have, have all the children you would have and die in eachother's arms and yet never for once experienced love from your partner? Sounds incredible, isn't it? There are thousands of people enduring their relationships or marriage. Their partners don't show them the love they desire. They slowly pine away as their loveless relationships gradually sap their emotional energy like a cobra squeezing life out of its victim with each passing second. Where there is love, the world will know. Love is too Evident, it glitters even in the darkest of nights, it strengthens even in the downturns of life, it never abandons. It doesn't cast away rather it embraces. Love always demonstrates itself. When called upon, it immediately answers. Its not just a feeling that is abstract, it is concrete. It can be seen without contact lens and its not microscopic in nature. Love produces life just the way every living things does. Love produces future because it has Faith. Love produces commitment. Love produces trust. Love produces truth no matter the circumstances. Love produces understanding. Love brings satisfaction, Love produces compatibility. Love has results always, any time and anywhere. Don't ever search for love because love never hides itself.
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